Uncovering Triggers and Empowering Approaches to Calm Anxiety
In a previous blog post, we explored ways to understand anxiety and some common types. In the following, guest edited by counsellor and therapist Guy Turton, we look at some of the precedents to the experience of anxiety and some common approaches to addressing it when experienced.   Precedents to Anxiety  Anxiety can reflect our anticipation of a future event […]
Anxiety, shame, and sex
Many of us have been taught, implicitly or explicitly, to hide our most vulnerable parts. We live in a world of dualities, where love and apathy dance, and where pride and shame co-exist in tension. Sexuality, as one of our most intimate human experiences, often becomes a battleground for these emotions. Anxiety, driven by shame, […]
Dancing with Anxiety – Understanding and Overcoming Inner Turmoil
Anxiety is a deeply pervasive human experience, touching nearly everyone at some point in their lives. Whether in its subtle form of mild worry or as an overwhelming sense of dread, it seems to exist as an intrinsic part of the human condition. Anxiety can be considered not as a single phenomenon, but as a […]
Love, Links and Leashes: Navigating the Tug-of-War Between Connection and Independence
Love, a concept that has fascinated philosophers, poets, and scientists for centuries, is multifaceted and complex. It intertwines with attachment and dependence, shaping our interactions with those closest to us. Understanding these elements is crucial for fostering healthy relationships. Eros is the passionate, romantic love associated with intense emotional and physical attraction. Named after the […]
‘The Method’ in Therapy
In our previous blog post, we explored the key factors that contribute significantly to successful therapeutic outcomes. This post, our first collaborative work, reviewed by Counsellor Rohan Kenworthy, is on how person-centred psychotherapists can draw from their own experiences and emotions to construct the therapeutic relationship more effectively. Therapy, especially those that carry a person-centred […]
Unlocking Effective Therapy: The Science and Art Behind Client Change
Psychotherapy is a dynamic interplay of biological, psychological, and social dimensions, all converging to foster meaningful change. The vast field of psychotherapy encompasses a myriad of approaches, techniques, and philosophies. However, despite this diversity, research has consistently identified several key factors that contribute significantly to successful therapeutic outcomes. One of the most influential models in […]
So What if Free Will is an Illusion?
The concept of free will is a cornerstone of our understanding of human existence, deeply interwoven with our notions of morality, responsibility, and personal agency. Free will represents the belief that we are the architects of our lives who shape our destinies. But what if this cherished belief is an illusion? Scientific discoveries and philosophical […]
A Product of its Time
I am thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new blog! I envision this blog to be a collaborative space, about us — embracing a collective approach, inviting opinionated guest collaborators to share their unique perspectives. From thought-provoking pieces to perspectives, our blog will be enriched by a range of voices. In the coming months, […]

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